Enjoy a Season of Discovery outside at The Urban Farm
Saturdays - June through October
We are offering Tyke Time classes, for ages 2 to 5 into the fall, and summer Farm Friends classes, for ages 6 to 9.
​Children's classes follow a Farm to School curriculum introducing topics such as Insect Detectives and Wonderful Worms.
These classes encourage curiosity and exploration in teacher-led classes at our beautiful Urban Farm. Children will have the opportunity to meet our farmers, chat with our chickens and taste farm fresh produce. Each child that attends an Urban Farm class will receive a $2 coupon to shop The Urban Farm Stand!
Sign up for fun on the farm with Farmer Kim!
Pre-registration is required (register below) and waiver is to be completed for each child (complete once per year) and the link is on the registration platform. Classes are limited to 12 children.
All sessions are at the The Urban Farm at 31 Hazel Street, Morristown. ​The Urban Farm Stand is open from 9:30 am - 2 pm on Saturdays and we welcome you to see what's in season or shop with your child and spend your $2 Farm Stand coupon that you receive for each class you register for!
Farm Friends/ Tyke Time is designed for child and parent/ caregiver. One parent/caregiver will need to accompany your child please. For more details, please click register now.