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Samantha G. Rothman
Carolle Huber
Myra Bowie McCready
Board of Trustees

Christine Volinsky, Co-Chair
Katie Crawford, Co-Chair
Eric Schaefer, Treasurer
Brian Bonanno, Vice-President
Wendy Gilson, Secretary
Bill Burke
Russell Farr
Denis Goldenberg
Shreyas Gupte
Sara Heitmann
Bob Nish
Marisa Sweeney
Cathy Wilson​​
Interested in joining the Grow It Green Board of Trustees?
We are consistently looking for new Board Members passionate about the organization
and its transformative role in the community.
Board member service highlights:
Willingness to serve and lead as a reflection of our goals, objectives and community providing governance and oversight for the organization
Willingness to bring skills, talents and perspectives from a variety of life experiences and cultural backgrounds
Desire to operate in and create an environment of trust and respect sharing power and celebrating differences while driving and challenging the mission and use of resources to create the greatest impact
Willingness to prioritize use of resources in operational framework decisions that address systemic inequities
Ability to dedicate 7-10 hours/month including Board and committee meetings
Attendance at monthly Board meetings and participation in at least one committee
Active support of fundraisers and events acting as an ambassador of the organization
An unrestricted gift of personal significance to support the goals of the organization
Board members serve for 3 years with the option to continue for another 3 years.
If you are interested please email
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